[031-075] A Report on the EarwinfDoru aculeatum aculeatum (Scudder), from a Marsh in Northern Illinois
A Report on the Earwing Doru aculeatum aculeatum (Scudder) from a Marsh in Northern Illinois Author: Werner, Floyd, G.
[030-30]Check List of the Birds of Starved Rock State Park and Surrounding Territory
Ries, Donald T. and Werner, Floyd G. Check List of the Birds of Starved Rock State Park and Surrounding Territory 039-30-print
[063-09] Immunological Function Study of the Bursa of Fabricius Immunocompetence Inducing Agent
Elde, Robert, William Werner, Dana Johnson, E.J. Kennedy, and Alex Bartha Immunological Function Study of the Bursa of Fabricius Immunocompetence Inducing Agent 063-09-print