[034-11] Certain Factors Affecting the Growth of Azotobacter in the Soil
Certain Factors Affecting the Growth of Azotobacter in the Soil Author: Sullian, J. L.
[062-32] Phosphates in Peoria Lake: A Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation of a Nutrient in Natural Waters
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[068-26] Unsuccessful Attempts by Bullfrogs to Eat Toads
Tucker, John D. and Michael E. Sullivan Unsuccessful Attempts by Bullfrogs to Eat Toads 068-26-print
[087-20MS9402] Notes on the Life History of Opossums in West-Central Illinois
Charles M. Nixon, Joseph B. Sullivan, Terry Esker, and Robert Koerkenmeier Notes on the Life History of Opossums in West-Central Illinois 087-20MS9402-print
[092-23MS9826] Raccoon (Procyon lotor) Survival in West-Central Illinois
Philip C. Mankin, Charles M. Nixon, Joseph B. Sullivan, Terry L. Esker, Robert G. Koerkenmeier, and Laura L. Hungerford Raccoon (Procyon lotor) Survival in West-Central Illinois 092-23MS9826-print
[094-06MS2017] Den Use by Raccoons in Westcentral Illinois
Charles M. Nixon, Joseph B. Sullivan, Terry L. Esker, Robert G. Koerkenmeier, and George Hubert, Jr. Den Use by Raccoons in Westcentral Illinois 094-06MS2017-print
[105-15MS1206] Selection of Parturition Sites by Migrating and Dispersing Female White-tailed Deer in Illinois
Nixon, Charles M., Philip C. Mankin, Dwayne R. Etter, Lonnie P. Hansen, Paul A. Brewer, James E. Chelsvig, Terry L. Esker, and Joseph B. Sullivan Selection of Parturition Sites by Migrating and Dispersing Female White-tailed Deer in Illinois PDF: 105-15MS1206-print
[102-10MS2813] Aspects of Raccoon Life History in West-Central Illinois
Nixon, Charles M., Philip C. Mankin, Terry L. Esker, Joseph B. Sullivan, Anthony A. Rothering, Robert Koerkenmeier, and Robert D. Bluett Aspects of Raccoon Life History in West-Central Illinois PDF: 102-10MS2813-print