[050-07]The Effects of Drought Conditions on the Fish and Bottom Organisms of Two Small Oxbow Ponds
Paloumpis, Andreas A. The Effects of Drought Conditions on the Fish and Bottom Organisms of Two Small Oxbow Ponds 050-07-print
[056-20]A Key to the Illinois Species of Ictalurus (Class Pisces) Based on Pectoral Spines
Paloumpis, Andreas A. A Key to the Illinois Species of Ictalurus (Class Pisces) Based on Pectoral Spines 056-20-print
[057-35]A Key to the Illinois Species of Ictalurus (Class Pisces) Based on the Supraethmoid Bone
Paloumpis, Andreas A. A Key to the Illinois Species of Ictalurus (Class Pisces) Based on the Supraethmoid Bone 057-35-print