[043-26]Spectral Characteristics of Flash Discharges
Huxford, W.S. and Olsen, H.N. Spectral Characteristics of Flash Discharges 043-26-print
[068-53] The Bloomington, Illinois Meteorite
Olsen, Edward and Harry Nelson The Bloomington, Illinois Meteorite 068-53-print
[076-21] Effects of Medina on Corn and Soybean Production
J.H. Jones and F.J. Olsen Effects of Medina on Corn and Soybean Production
[076-17] Response of Three Soybean Cultivars to Different Seed Rates
A. Goli and F. Olsen Response of Three Soybean Cultivars to Different Seed Rates 076-17-print
[077-26] The Establishment of Red Clover on Acid Soils as Influenced by Liming, Seed Coating, and Selected Rhizobium trifolii Strains
Todd R. Higgins and Farrel J. Olsen The Establishment of Red Clover on Acid Soils as Influenced by Liming, Seed Coating, and Selected Rhizobium trifolii Strains 077-26-print
[077-19] Reduced Tillage for Millet Establishment in Wheat Stubble
J.H. Jones and F.J. Olsen Reduced Tillage for Millet Establishment in Wheat Stubble 077-19-print
[079-29] Effects of Between and Within Row Spacings on Growth and Production of Soybean
F.J. Olsen Effects of Between and Within Row Spacings on Growth and Production of Soybean 079-29-print
[080-17] The Effects of Herbage Removal on the Soil Restoration Process in the Reclamation of Surface Mined Spoil
D. Lee, R.R. Mileur, F.J. Olsen, and J.H. Jones The Effects of Herbage Removal on the Soil Restoration Process in the Reclamation of Surface Mined Spoil 080-17-print
[081-24] Organic Amendments Compared to Topsoil Replacement for the Reclamation of Prime Farmland
F.J. Olsen and J.H. Jones Organic Amendments Compared to Topsoil Replacement for the Reclamation of Prime Farmland 081-24-print