[066-04] Changing the Period of the Clock of the Kangaroo Rat, Dipodomys merriami, by Light Perturbations
Natalini, John J. Changing the Period of the Clock of the Kangaroo Rat, Dipodomys merriami, by Light Perturbations 066-04-print
[071-03] Circannual Activity Rhythm of the Monolian Gerbil, Meriones unguiculatus
Natalini, John J. Circannual Activity Rhythm of the Monolian Gerbil, Meriones unguiculatus 071-03-print
[075-06] Seasonal Rhythms of the Mongolian Gerbil under a Long-Day Photoperiod
Natalini, J.J. Seasonal Rhythms of the Mongolian Gerbil under a Long-Day Photoperiod 075-06-print
[081-21] Seven Year Study of the Effects of Photoperiods on the Circannual Locomotor Rhythm of the Gerbil
J.J Natalini Seven Year Study of the Effects of Photoperiods on the Circannual Locomotor Rhythm of the Gerbil 081-21-print