[037-08]Eastern White Pine as a Timber Tree in Illinois
Lorenz, Ralph W. Eastern White Pine as a Timber Tree in Illinois 037-08-print
[041-06]Thinning Returns from an Eastern White Pine Plantation in Ogle County
Lorenz, Ralph W. Thinning Returns from an Eastern White Pine Plantation in Ogle County 041-06-print
[045-05]Growth of a Managed Eastern White Pine Plantation in Northern Illinois
Lorenz, Ralph W. Growth of a Managed Eastern White Pine Plantation in Northern Illinois 045-05-print
[050-11]Growth and Yield of Sinnissippi Forest Stands
Jokela, J.J. and Lorenz, Ralph W. Growth and Yield of Sinnissippi Forest Stands 050-11-print
[058-16] The Performance of a Maryland Source of Loblolly Pine in East-Central Illinois
Lorenz, Ralph W. and Jokela, J.J. The Performance of a Maryland Source of Loblolly Pine in East-Central Illinois 058-16-print
[063-66] The Growth of Ponderosa Pine in Illinois Limited by the Needle Blight
Lorenz, Ralph W. The Growth of Ponderosa Pine in Illinois Limited by the Needle Blight 063-66-print