[073-09] Winter Food Habits of Coyotes in Southeastern Illinois
Phillips, M.K. and G.F. Hubert, Jr. Winter Food Habits of Coyotes in Southeastern Illinois 073-09-print
[075-19] Dirofilaria immitis in Gray Foxes in Illinois
Hubert, G.F., T.J. Kick, and R.D. Andrews Dirofilaria immitis in Gray Foxes in Illinois 075-19-print
[077-21] Heartworm Dirofilaria immitis in Coyotes Canis latrans in Illinois
T.J. Kick, G.F. Hubert, Jr., and R.D. Andres Heartworm Dirofilaria immitis in Coyotes Canis latrans in Illinois 077-21-print
[092-08MS9821] Reintroduction and Status of the River Otter (Lutra canadensis) in Illinois
Robert D. Bluett, Edward A. Anderson, George F. Hubert, Jr., Glen W. Kruse, and Susan E. Lauzon Reintroduction and Status of the River Otter (Lutra canadensis) in Illinois 092-08MS9821-print
[094-09MS2022] Concentrations of Selected Elements in Illinois Raccoons
Jeffrey M. Levengood and George F. Hubert, Jr. Concentrations of Selected Elements in Illinois Raccoons 094-09MS2022-print
[094-06MS2017] Den Use by Raccoons in Westcentral Illinois
Charles M. Nixon, Joseph B. Sullivan, Terry L. Esker, Robert G. Koerkenmeier, and George Hubert, Jr. Den Use by Raccoons in Westcentral Illinois 094-06MS2017-print
[098-05MS2419] Population Characteristics of the Gray Fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) in Southern Illinois during the Late 1970s
Mahan, Brian R., George F. Hubert, Jr., and Bob Bluett Population Characteristics of the Gray Fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) in Southern Illinois during the Late 1970s PDF: 098-05MS2419-print
[099-05MS2608] Monitoring the Status of Mink (Mustela vison) in Illinois
Bluett, Robert D., Andrew C. Hulin, Patrick D. Hubert, and William L. Anderson Monitoring the Status of Mink (Mustela vison) in Illinois PDF: 099-05MS2608-print