[014-13] The Agricultural Significance of the Tight Clay Subsoil of Southern Illinois
The Agricultural Significance of the Tight Clay Subsoil of Southern Illinois Authors: Smith, R.S. and F.A. Fisher
[020-02] Geology of the Joliet District*
Geology of the Joliet District* Author: Fisher, D.J.
[027-004] Our Soil Erosion Menace
Our Soil Erosion Menace Author: Fisher, F.A.
[030-070] Exhumed Ordovician Hill Near Joliet
Exhumed Ordovician Hill Near Joliet Author: Fisher, D. Jerome
[031-048] A List of Coal Ball Plants from Calhoun, Richland County
A List of Coal Ball Plants from Calhoun, Richland County Author: Fisher, Mary Celestin and Noe, A.C.
[051-20]An Abnormal Sternal Apparatus in a Ruffed Grouse, Bonasa umbellus
Fisher, Harvey I. and Ellarson, Robert S. An Abnormal Sternal Apparatus in a Ruffed Grouse, Bonasa umbellus 051-20-print
[055-11]The Hatching Muscle in the American Coot
Fisher, James R. The Hatching Muscle in the American Coot 055-11-print
[059-56] Hatching and the Hatching Muscle in Some North American Ducks
Fisher, Harvey J. Hatching and the Hatching Muscle in Some North American Ducks 059-56-print
[060-55] Richard Roksabro Kudo
Fisher, Harvey, I. Richard Roksabro Kudo 060-55-print