[111-05MS2663]Abundance, Volume and Distribution of Large Woody Debris along a Northeastern Illinois Stream
Abundance, Volume and Distribution of Large Woody Debris along a Northeastern Illinois Stream Xiaoyong Chen and Mary Carrington 111-05MS2663
[059-39] Application of the Tyndall Effect to the Evaluation of the Solubility Product for Aluminum Tris-(8-hydroxyquinolate)
Van Atta, R.E., Cichorz, R.S., and Chen, HanLin Hwang Application of the Tyndall Effect to the Evaluation of the Solubility Product for Aluminum Tris-(8-hydroxyquinolate) 059-39-print
[068-19] A Computer Simulation of Liquid Neon at 35º K
Clark, G.J. and Shih Chen A Computer Simulation of Liquid Neon at 35º K 068-19-print