[013-02] The Irwin Expedition about Cerro de Pasco and Lake Titicaca
The Irwin Expedition about Cerro de Pasco and Lake Titicaca Author: Allen, William Ray
[045-35]Caves of the Kinkaid Limestone Near Cobden, Illinois
Harris, Stanley E., Jr. and Allen, Bill Dean Caves of the Kinkaid Limestone Near Cobden, Illinois 045-35-print
[071-50] Wolf-Moose Studies Demonstrate Scientific Value of Wilderness
Allen, Durward L. Wolf-Moose Studies Demonstrate Scientific Value of Wilderness 071-50-print
[102-04MS2811] N:P Ratios and Temperature Affect Phosphate Uptake Rate in Phytoplankton Assemblages of a Cooling Water Reservoir
Krenz III, Robert J.. Stephen S. Warrner, Derrick L. Douros, Danyelle N. Dehner, Nicole L. Heath, Jason D. Allen, and Charles L. Pederson N:P Ratios and Temperature Affect Phosphate Uptake Rate in Phytoplankton Assemblages of a Cooling Water Reservoir PDF: 102-04MS2811-print