Student Research Grants

The application period for 2025 awarded grants opens October 1, 2024.

The Illinois State Academy of Science encourages Illinois high school, undergraduate, and graduate student research.

In support of this effort, the academy awards competitive research grants each year. You must be an Illinois State Academy of Science member to receive funding.

    • Up to $200 for high school students.

    • Up to $500 for undergraduate students.

    • Up to $1,000 for graduate students.

These grants are intended to support student research efforts, but cannot include funds for salary, standard equipment, tuition, travel to meetings, manuscript preparation, publication costs, or payment of indirect costs such as facilities and administration.

The proposal should be about 2 pages, single-spaced, plus references. It must contain an introduction that identifies the research problem, briefly reviews the relevant literature, and states the work’s goals or hypotheses.  A methods section follows, describing the design of the experiment, the methods to be used, and how the data will be analyzed. Throughout it should be evident that the project has been carefully planned, is feasible using the procedures and materials identified in the methods, and directly addresses the hypotheses or goals. A detailed budget is required.

Only online applications are accepted using the form below are accepted.

Applicants will be notified by email immediately following the submission of their grant application. Notification of award status will be made by email in December.