[110-03MS2105]Floristic Composition and Structure of Two Dry Sand Prairies at Sand Ridge State Forest, Mason County, Illinois
Floristic Composition and Structure of Two Dry Sand Prairies at Sand Ridge State Forest, Mason County, Illinois Loy R. Phillippe, Paul B.. Marcum, Daniel T. Busemeyer, Mary Ann Feist, William E. McClain, and John E. Ebinger 110-03MS2105Final
[110-02MS1787]Comparative Analysis of Alternansucrase Genes from Leuconostoc Strains
Comparative Analysis of Alternansucrase Genes from Leuconostoc Strains Scott Michael Holt 110-02MS1787Final
[110-01MS1776]Masticatory and Brux-like Motor Patterns in the Freely Behaving Rat: Electromyography and Phase Analysis
Masticatory and Brux-like Motor Patterns in the Freely Behaving Rat: Electromyography and Phase Analysis Jaclyn E Taylor, J Devin Wall, Dan B Welch 110-01MS1776Final