[022-20] Studies on the Life History of the Blunt-Nosed Minnow
Studies on the Life History of the Blunt-Nosed Minnow Authors: Van Cleave, Harley J, and Henry C. Markus
[022-19] The Nature and Formation of Scale Insect Shells
The Nature and Formation of Scale Insect Shells Authors: Metcalf, C.L. and Hockenyos, George L.
[022-18] How Broken Bones are Repaired in Nature*
How Broken Bones are Repaired in Nature* Author: Adams, L.A.
[022-17] Skeletal Adjustments in a Three-Legged Chicken
Skeletal Adjustments in a Three-Legged Chicken Author: Adams, L.A.
[022-16] Capillarieasis of Chickens
Capillarieasis of Chickens Authors: Graham, Robert; Thorp Jr., Frank; and R.L. Hectorne