[105-17BookReview38] Side Channels. A Collection of Nature Writing and Memoir by Thomas V. Lerczak
Keating, Richard C. Side Channels. A Collection of Nature Writing and Memoir by Thomas V. Lerczak PDF: 105-17BookReview38-print
[105-16MS1205] Illinois Status Survey of the Redside Dace Clinostomus elongatus: The Newest Addition to the State’s Native Fish Fauna
Tiemann, Jeremy S. and Mark H. Sabaj Pérez Illinois Status Survey of the Redside Dace Clinostomus elongatus: The Newest Addition to the State’s Native Fish Fauna PDF: 105-16MS1205-print
[105-15MS1206] Selection of Parturition Sites by Migrating and Dispersing Female White-tailed Deer in Illinois
Nixon, Charles M., Philip C. Mankin, Dwayne R. Etter, Lonnie P. Hansen, Paul A. Brewer, James E. Chelsvig, Terry L. Esker, and Joseph B. Sullivan Selection of Parturition Sites by Migrating and Dispersing Female White-tailed Deer in Illinois PDF: 105-15MS1206-print
[105-14MS1111] Comparison of Methods to Detect Mesocarnivores in Southern Illinois
Nielsen, Clayton K. and Susan E. Cooper Comparison of Methods to Detect Mesocarnivores in Southern Illinois PDF: 105-14MS1111-print
[105-13MS1117] The Role of Oil Content and Size in Seed Selection by Wild Birds
Collins, Kathleen A. and David Joseph Horn The Role of Oil Content and Size in Seed Selection by Wild Birds PDF: 105-13MS1117-print
[105-12MS1203] Discovery of New Localities for the Threatened Kirtland’s Snake (Clonophis kirtlandii) in Central Illinois
Capparella, Angelo P., Todd Springer, and Lauren E. Brown Discovery of New Localities for the Threatened Kirtland’s Snake (Clonophis kirtlandii) in Central Illinois PDF: 105-12MS1203-print
[105-11MS1204] The Effects of Beaver-created Wetlands on Surface Water Quality of Lotic Habitats in Northern Illinois
Bollinger, Eric K. and Brian Conklin The Effects of Beaver-created Wetlands on Surface Water Quality of Lotic Habitats in Northern Illinois PDF: 105-11MS1204-print
[105-10MS1202] Vascular Flora of Capel Glacial Drift Hill Prairie Natural Area, Shelby County, Illinois
McClain, William E., John E. Ebinger, Roger Jansen, and Gordon C. Tucker Vascular Flora of Capel Glacial Drift Hill Prairie Natural Area, Shelby County, Illinois PDF: 105-10MS1202-print
[105-09MS1201] The Varying Phenology and Growth Patterns of Baptisia bracteata (Fabaceae) in Reconstructed Prairie
Petersen, Chris E., Sharon M. Bauzys, Felicia A. Speranske, and Barbara A. Petersen The Varying Phenology and Growth Patterns of Baptisia bracteata (Fabaceae) in Reconstructed Prairie PDF: 105-09MS1201-print
[105-08BookReview37] Colorado’s Spanish Peaks Region: An Exploration Guide to History, Natural History, Trails and Drives, by Dr. Richard Keating
Christofferson, Nancy Colorado’s Spanish Peaks Region: An Exploration Guide to History, Natural History, Trails and Drives, by Dr. Richard Keating PDF: 105-08BookReview37-print