Hinson, Gary, Donald Buth, Dwight Hendricks, and Thom Gazda
Prevalence of Metacercariae of Crassiphiala bulboblossa (Trematoda, Strigeoidea) in Fishes of the Headwaters of the Embarras River, Illinois
Hinson, Gary, Donald Buth, Dwight Hendricks, and Thom Gazda
Prevalence of Metacercariae of Crassiphiala bulboblossa (Trematoda, Strigeoidea) in Fishes of the Headwaters of the Embarras River, Illinois
Phyllachora as the Cause of a Disease of Corn, and a General Consideration of the Genus Phyllachora Author: Dalbey, Nora E.
Porto Rican Fungi, Old and New Author: Stevens, F.L.
Phyllachora as the Cause of a Disease of Corn, and a General Consideration of the Genus Phyllachora Author: Dalbey, Nora