Anderson, William L., Robert E. Greenberg, Ronald E. Duzan, and Mary Ann Kjos
Concentrations and Distributions of p,p-DDE, Dieldrin, and Heptachlor Epoxide in Pheasants in East-Central Illinois
Anderson, William L., Robert E. Greenberg, Ronald E. Duzan, and Mary Ann Kjos
Concentrations and Distributions of p,p-DDE, Dieldrin, and Heptachlor Epoxide in Pheasants in East-Central Illinois
Recent Advances in Spectroscopy* Author: Michelson, A.A.
The Relation of the State Academy of Science to the Natural History Surrounding the Chicago Academy of Sciences Author: Baker, F.C.
Recent Advances in Spectroscopy* Author: Michelson, A.A.