[108-12MS976]Range Expansions and New Drainage Records for Select Illinois Fishes
Range Expansions and New Drainage Records for Select Illinois Fishes Jeremy S. Tiemann, Christopher A. Taylor, Dan Wylie, Jim Lamer, Phil W. Willink, Frank M. Veraldi, Steven M. Pescitelli, Ben Lubinski, Trent Thomas, Randy Sauer, and Ben Cantrell 108-12MS976Final
[083-08] An Evaluation of the Fisheries of the Mackinaw River Basin in Central Illinois
David M. Day, Randy W. Sauer, and William A. Bertrand An Evaluation of the Fisheries of the Mackinaw River Basin in Central Illinois 083-08-print
[085-07] Fish Community Assessment and Sport Fish Potential in the LaMoine River Basis in West-Central Illinois
David M. Day, Randy W. Sauer, Lonn McGuire, William A. Bertrand, and Larry A. Jahn Fish Community Assessment and Sport Fish Potential in the LaMoine River Basis in West-Central Illinois 085-07-print
[089-15MS9609] Selected Illinois Fishes in Jeopardy: New Records and Status Evaluations
Brooks M. Burr, Kenneth M. Cook, David J. Eisenhour, Kyle R. Piller, William J. Poly, Randy W. Sauer, Christopher A. Taylor, Elmer R. Atwood, and Gregory L. Seegert Selected Illinois Fishes in Jeopardy: New Records and Status Evaluations 089-15MS9609-print
[089-08MS9509] Nonnative Fishes in Illinois Waters: What Do the Records Reveal?
Brooks M. Burr, David J. Eisenhour, Kenneth M. Cook, Christopher A. Taylor, Gregory L. Seegert, Randy W. Sauer, and Elmer R. Atwood Nonnative Fishes in Illinois Waters: What Do the Records Reveal? 089-08MS9509-print