[072-13] A Model System for Comparing Host Responses to Multiple Infections on Intact Onions. I. Effects of Light.
Russo, Vincent M., D. Harman, K. Hayden, A. Iwen, T. Portle, J. Spreenberg, J. Stone, and A.J. Pappelis A Model System for Comparing Host Responses to Multiple Infections on Intact Onions. I. Effects of Light. 072-13-print
[075-14] Determination of Dry Mass and Area of Attached and Detached Cytoplasmic Droplets of Ambystoma texanum Spermatozoa using Quantitative Interference Microscopy
Zalisko, E.J., E. Everitt, J. Martan, C. Shumway, A.J. Papelis, and V. Russo Determination of Dry Mass and Area of Attached and Detached Cytoplasmic Droplets of Ambystoma texanum Spermatozoa using Quantitative Interference Microscopy 075-14-print