[042-28]Certain Factors which Influence Activation of the Hexacanth Embryo of the Fowl Tapeworm Raillietina cesticillus
Reid, W. Malcom, Nice, Shirley Jean, and McIntyre, Rhoda Cooper Certain Factors which Influence Activation of the Hexacanth Embryo of the Fowl Tapeworm Raillietina cesticillus 042-28-print
[059-09] An Iodine-Methyl Sulfoxide Precipitate
Reid, Rebecca and Musulin, Boris An Iodine-Methyl Sulfoxide Precipitate 059-09-print
[064-60] Aryl Acetoacetates Infrared and Ultraviolet Spectra
Frank, Forrest J., John H. Long, and Terry K. Reid Aryl Acetoacetates Infrared and Ultraviolet Spectra 064-60-print
[070-14] Trematode Parasites of the Muskrat, Ondatra zibethica zibethica, in Southern Illinois
Jilek, Reid Trematode Parasites of the Muskrat, Ondatra zibethica zibethica, in Southern Illinois 070-14-print