[113-07]Short-term Effects of Silvicultural Treatments and White-tailed Deer Exclusion on Oak and Hickory Regeneration in Southern Illinois
Short-term Effects of Silvicultural Treatments and White-tailed Deer Exclusion on Oak and Hickory Regeneration in Southern Illinois Authors: Ryan E Leeson, Clayton K Nielsen, Devon C Oliver, Eric J Holzmueller, and Brianna M Winkel
[108-01MS1407]Bot Fly (Cuterebrid) Prevalence and Intensity in Southern Illinois Peromyscus Species and a Comparison to the Literature
Bot Fly (Cuterebrid) Prevalence and Intensity in Southern Illinois Peromyscus Species and a Comparison to the Literature Stephanie J Hayes, Eric J Holzmueller1, and Clayton K Nielsen 108-01MS1407Final
[093-16MS9921] Status and Distribution of the Bobcat (Lynx rufus) in Illinois
Alan Woolf, Clayton K. Nielsen, and Tara Gibbs Kieninger Status and Distribution of the Bobcat (Lynx rufus) in Illinois 093-16MS9921-print
[096-31MS2312] Dispersal of Juvenile Male Bobcats (Lynx rufus) in Southern Illinois
Nielsen, Clayton K. and Alan Woolf Dispersal of Juvenile Male Bobcats (Lynx rufus) in Southern Illinois 096-31MS2312-print
[097-23MS2409] Status of the River Otter (Lontra canadensis) in Illinois, 1998–2004
Robert D. Bluett, Clayton K. Nielsen, Robert W. Gottfried, Craig A. Miller, and Alan Woolf Status of the River Otter (Lontra canadensis) in Illinois, 1998–2004 PDF: 097-23MS 2409-print
[105-14MS1111] Comparison of Methods to Detect Mesocarnivores in Southern Illinois
Nielsen, Clayton K. and Susan E. Cooper Comparison of Methods to Detect Mesocarnivores in Southern Illinois PDF: 105-14MS1111-print
[100-15MS2625] Survey of Baylisascaris procyonis and Canine Distemper Virus in Southern Illinois Raccoons
Nielsen, Clayton K., Angela Defore, and Emily Bade Survey of Baylisascaris procyonis and Canine Distemper Virus in Southern Illinois Raccoons PDF: 100-15MS 2625-print
[102-21MS2820] Survival of Unexploited Raccoons on a Rural Refuge in Southern Illinois
Urbanek, Rachael E., Clayton K. Nielsen, and Shona E. Wilson Survival of Unexploited Raccoons on a Rural Refuge in Southern Illinois PDF: 102-21MS2820-print
[103-18MS1006] Wild Turkeys Cause Little Damage to Row Crops in Illinois
Greene, Christian D., Clayton K. Nielsen, Alan Woolf, Kenneth S. Delahunt, and Jack R. Nawrot Wild Turkeys Cause Little Damage to Row Crops in Illinois PDF: 03-18MS1006-print
[104-18MS1104] Cost Comparison of Vegetation Monitoring Techniques Used to Assess White-tailed Deer Herbivory
Urbanek, Rachael E., Clayton K. Nielsen, Gary A. Glowacki, and Timothy S. Preuss Cost Comparison of Vegetation Monitoring Techniques Used to Assess White-tailed Deer Herbivory PDF: PDF: 104-18MS1104-print