[071-17] Lingulid, Rhynchonellid, and Spiriferid Brachiopods from the Shumway Cyclothem, Mattoon Formation, Pennsylvanian of Illinois
Scheihing, Mark H. and Ralph L. Langenheim, Jr. Lingulid, Rhynchonellid, and Spiriferid Brachiopods from the Shumway Cyclothem, Mattoon Formation, Pennsylvanian of Illinois 071-17-print
[071-01] Mollusca and a Trilobite from the Shumway Cyclothem, Mattoon Formation, Pennsylvanian, Illinois
Scheihing, Mark H. and Ralph L. Langenheim, Jr. Mollusca and a Trilobite from the Shumway Cyclothem, Mattoon Formation, Pennsylvanian, Illinois 071-01-print