[059-14] Occurrence of the Intact Spermatozoa in Spontaneous Ejaculations of Isolated Male Guinea Pigs
Martan, Jan Occurrence of the Intact Spermatozoa in Spontaneous Ejaculations of Isolated Male Guinea Pigs 059-14-print
[061-41] The Effects of Staining with Buffered Azure A Eosin B After Fixatives Containing Picric Acid
Martan, Jan and Richard Jorgenson The Effects of Staining with Buffered Azure A Eosin B After Fixatives Containing Picric Acid 061-41-print
[074-23] Intercellular Reservoir Formed by Regeneration of the Tunica Albuginea in the Guinea Pig After Castration or Hemicastration
Martan, Jan, Benjamin A. Shepherd, and Alan A. Daar Intercellular Reservoir Formed by Regeneration of the Tunica Albuginea in the Guinea Pig After Castration or Hemicastration 074-23-print
[075-14] Determination of Dry Mass and Area of Attached and Detached Cytoplasmic Droplets of Ambystoma texanum Spermatozoa using Quantitative Interference Microscopy
Zalisko, E.J., E. Everitt, J. Martan, C. Shumway, A.J. Papelis, and V. Russo Determination of Dry Mass and Area of Attached and Detached Cytoplasmic Droplets of Ambystoma texanum Spermatozoa using Quantitative Interference Microscopy 075-14-print
[076-01] The Genital Tract of the Male Opossum, Didelphis marsupialis virginiana, and Other Marsupials
Jan Martan The Genital Tract of the Male Opossum, Didelphis marsupialis virginiana, and Other Marsupials 076-01-print
[085-09] Glandular Complex in the Perineal Sac of the Guinea Pig
Jan Martan and B. A. Shepherd Glandular Complex in the Perineal Sac of the Guinea Pig 085-09-print