[034-61] The Sedimentology and Physiography of Wisconsin Glacial Outwash Along the Chippewa River
The Sedimentology and Physiography of Wisconsin Glacial Outwash Along the Chippewa River Author: Huff, Lyman
[061-19] Rainfall Variability Relations of Small Areas
Huff, F.A. and W.L. Shipp Rainfall Variability Relations of Small Areas 061-19-print
[063-08] Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Rainfall Rates in Illinois
Huff, F.A. and W.L. Shipp Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Rainfall Rates in Illinois 063-08-print
[078-05] Stratigraphy and Depositional History of the Pennsylvanian Sequence Exposed at the Cagle’s Mill Spillway Putnam County, Indiana
Bryan G. Huff Stratigraphy and Depositional History of the Pennsylvanian Sequence Exposed at the Cagle’s Mill Spillway Putnam County, Indiana 078-05-print